Saturday, May 21, 2011

Trivializing The Rapture:

I do not want to come across as not having a sense of humor.  In fact I've been giving Harold Camping and his goofy Rapture prophecy considerable crap since I found out about it.  I repeat, it's not happening and he's messed up a lot of people's lives.  Here's the ultimate problem though with him and any other false prophet, when the prophecy fails it trivializes the God the prophet follows.  And, I don't doubt that Camping loves God.

But, if I'm making fun of him then you know that the rest of the world is ripping him even harder and they aren't stopping at Camping.  The ridicule flows from him to God and diminishes the worth of everything that has to do with God.

All that to be said, here are some very creative pictures of Rapture Bombing.  Again, I have a sense of humor and can laugh at these, but I also see that deep down these expose a fearless generation when it come to God.  So, check them out.  Here.

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