Monday, November 19, 2007

I heart Chuckabee

I got to thinking this morning while I was bathing, very briefly, there is still a water shortage. I thought about the value of humor in this presidential race. Why did I think about this? Because I saw the Mike Huckabee commercial that is after the jump. Take the jump.

In a day and age where most of us feel like the best social commentary is coming from a guy mocking Bill O'Reilly and a former stand-up comic, is it any wonder that someone with a sense of humor might be a dark horse? Vote Huckabee or pay the price.

PS. I'm creating a new category for all things Chuckabee related.


Anna said...

Thanks for being the only person who reads my blog- I can count on you!

PS- last night while i was on the front porch sipping some mint julips. i felt like bob ross.

Danger Chris said...

it was a quote i found about never being able to figure out what God is doing, i thought it was kinda weird too- but i liked it.

Anna said...

weird, somehow the comment i just left was in your name