Saturday, November 3, 2007

In light of the recent drought:

I would like to put forward a thought. A look at situational ethics and the plight the the American conscience. A brief foray into how little we appreciate the world around us. Take the jump.

Every day that I drive to work, I take a back road that runs me through some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. I see lush green grass and giant ponderous cows. Occasionally, I see a horse running, seemingly for no other reason than because it can. I love taking this back road, it's a nice break for a city mouse like me.

At one point I turn onto a less rural road and start heading into town. On this road there is the item in question. I see the thing that seems to encompass everything that doesn't make sense about America. It's a sod farm. A grass farm.

It always has gigantic sprinklers going, unleashing torrents of water. Water that is as of now precious. Water that is depleting our 90 day store. Water for grass.

What a waste. The sod won't grow to feed people somewhere. In the long run it feeds a bit of narcissism. Which is really what this is all about. The sod farm, for me, is one of the greatest signs of American narcissism imaginable. Shame on us for wasting precious resources in search of the all American dollar. How Un-Christlike, how inhuman is it to know that we have the plot of land and the ability to farm it and waste it on grass.

I hope we all take a long look at how we use our resources. The world is watching us and will really call into question our Gospel if we can't give any proof to the fact that when He was hungry we fed Him. Give up narcissism.

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