Wednesday, February 13, 2008

He's not a terrorist:

My friend Andrew over at Call To Die, has decided to give his 10 cents and throw his hat into the realm of politics. Andrew addresses the present presidential election in the case of one candidate and hinges it on what he believes to be the most important issue facing moral human beings today. You can read his article here.

Andrew also blogs over at Strange Baptist Fire, who some of you may remember drove readers here and sparked a rowdy discussion about the Pope.

After the jump I'm going to take a look at Barack Obama and something that has been bothering me. It's not about him, in fact this won't have much to do with politics, although nothing I say should be taken as support for him as president.

Barack Hussein Obama is not a terrorist. Saddam Hussein is not Barack Hussein Obama. They share a common name, but I believe they differ greatly on most other pertinent issues. For example, Barack Hussein Obama is running for President of the United States of America. Saddam Hussein is dead. That's just one of the many differences.

I've received a few emails at this point reminding me not to vote for the hell-soaked devil party. The most recent actually started out telling me why a Muslim could never make a good President. I read it and saw what it was getting at. The whole things was really ham fisted and seemed like a reach, but then I got to the bottom. Where I was shown that the point wasn't to show the superiority of the Christian world view, it was to cripple Barack Hussein Obama's presidential bid. Sheew. . .and I almost voted for him. Thanks email.

Here's the last part of the email.

Therefore after much study and deliberation, perhaps we
should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country.
They obviously cannot be both "good" Muslims and good Americans.
Call it what you wish; it's still the truth.
You had better believe it.
The more who understand this, the better it will be for our
country and our future. The
religious war is bigger than we know or understand.

And Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim, wants to be our President?

You HAVE to be kidding?! Wake up America!

Obama even says if he wins the election, he will be sworn in on the
Quran (Koran)---not the Bible!

Quick point, yes, you can be a good American and be a good Muslim. Just like you can be a good American and be a non-Christian. I think the idea is that you can't be a good American and blow up American buildings. That statement seems more valid.

Alright, so one more quick point. I remember reading about a period when it was healthy to be suspicious of every person who looked Asian. I was born from parents who were raised around the McCarthy era. I myself snuck in at the tail end of the Cold War. Is it really healthy to be suspicious of every Muslim? Probably just as healthy as thinking every, single male who looks creepy is a child molester.

The big print is what bothers me, not because of the bold political statement it's making. But, because it's completely untrue, Barack Hussein Obama is not a Muslim. Keith Ellison is a Muslim. Keith Ellison was sworn in on the Quran. Barack Hussein Obama is in fact a long standing member of the Church of Christ. While they are a bit liberal for my taste I would hardly call them an Islamic organization.

Barack Hussein Obama is not a terrorist. If you are a Christian, please stop telling me that you and I should not vote for him because he won't swear in on the Bible. If he wins, he will be sworn in on his own personal Bible, most likely. If you don't want to vote for Obama, make it because of something worth noting, like his pro-choice stance or any number of policy related issues. If you are going to vote for Obama, make it for something other than trying to be a part of the group who voted in the first African American president. Stop wasting time with trivial garbage.

Finally, I don't remember us declaring a religion war. Though, that's not really Americas style anymore is it?

Let's focus on the adoration of our Heavenly Father to the point where it spills over into our daily lives causing any effect in our surroundings. You can start by praying and reading during the time you'd normally spend worrying about politics.

Wake up America.

Also, here's the Snopes article on all this hot mess.


Abby said...

Thank you. You, my future-brother-in-law, are intelligent. :-) Well said.

Andrew Lindsey said...

re: "If you don't want to vote for Obama, make it because of something worth noting, like his pro-choice stance or any number of policy related issues."

-Can I additionally NOT vote for Obama because I think he has a serious Messiah complex?