Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Industry Could Not Save His Finger:

My grandfather, on my fathers side, was a very tall man. He was largely Native American. That makes me twice removed largely Native American. I believe that people with a healthy dose of Native American in them, better than %60, have an incredibly high tolerance for pain. Maybe it's ancestral, passed down genetically with the knowledge that the boys will become men and the men will be warriors.

My grandfather was a farmer. He farmed the UGA dairy farm and quite a few other farms as a share cropper. My dad was raised on these farms. All of this is a post in and of itself for a later time. The real story is that my grandfather cut his finger off while working in the garden on a spring afternoon.

Instead of going to the hospital, he picked it up off the ground, tucked the nub into his shirt pocket, and went back to gardening. Eventually my dad came outside and freaked out, rightfully so. He got to the hospital, but it was too late for the finger. If only they had trowels with the technology in the videos after the jump for . Take the jump.

And the technology behind it.

R.I.P. Pepa, I hope you got your finger back.

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