Friday, December 21, 2007

A Godly Fiance: Proverbs 31

I'm going to be starting a series of posts on Proverbs 31, contrasting the Godly woman of those verses with my own fiance. My main hope in this is to earn massive brownie points and endear myself with her forever.

I of course am kidding, although, if I do score massive brownie points and endear myself to her forever, then so be it! Really, I hope to honor God by expressing my profound appreciation and joy that comes from the relationship He has blessed me with. The graciousness and abundance of blessing that has come from this relationship (soon Holy Union!) should preach of God's goodness, this is my humble attempt at getting that sermon out.

10An excellent wife who can find?
She is far more precious than jewels.
11The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain.
12She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life.

Jennie is a rarity and I am lucky to have her in my life. I'm am even luckier that I'm blessed to soon have her as my wife. To hopefully keep you coming back I'm going to keep from rambling too much about why she is a special rarity. Scripture puts things to a fine point when it says a Godly wife(Fiance in this case) is more precious that jewels. There are few things that genuinely are priceless, for me, Jennie is most certainly one.

Why is she so priceless? Why would I never trade her for anything in the world? To a deeper point why will I attempt to never show disrespect to our relationship with my actions? Because, I can trust her. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a flair for the dramatic and with that comes a penchant for embellishment. The short hand is that, "I lie." I will talk about things that I know nothing about and tell stories about things I never did. Thankfully with the grace of God I've gotten some control over that.

The point is that I appreciate someone who is honest, completely honest. I love that I can trust Jennie's words and actions to be true to God first and myself. She's honest and thoughtful with her words, I do have no end to my gain because of her deep sense of honesty and the way that she lifts me up and is an example to a stinky lying sinner like myself.

I mentioned the thoughtfulness of Jennie's words, when we began dating we had a brutal honesty rule in place. It literally meant BRUTAL honesty. She and I would say exactly what was on our mind. It seemed like the best way to do things. We learned pretty quickly that you can be honest and polite without loosing any of the punch.

So, the brutal honesty became gracious honesty and Jennie fell into it quickly and naturally. Her brutal honesty was usually tinged with a bit of love and kindness anyways. I can trust my heart with her. I can trust my relationship with her. I can trust my feelings, hopes, dreams, and marriage with her.

I pray that when she looks back at her life with me she'll be able to say I did her no harm. That will be a good feeling. Really, I hope she is able to say that at the end of everyday. I love her, she's precious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sweet fiance,

You are too kind. You have made my day. I'm sitting here at school, eating lunch, checking blogs, and now crying....good tears of course.

Thank you for loving me the way you do. You are an example of Christ's love to me. I cannot wait to be your wife - only 176 days to go! Whoo hoo :) I look forward to seeing you tonight.

I love you,