Friday, August 31, 2007

Brian Mclaren Sings?

I'm closing out the month with one last post. I was getting ready for bed and checking out the firestorm of comments on the TeamPyro blog from their latest post, when I got sucked away to a commentators site. I looked over the site to get a handle on who he was and what he believed. During my excursion I found a video for a song written by Brian Mclaren, unofficial head of the Emergent Movement.

I would really like to know what you think about this song. After listening to it I feel like I don't know what he believes. Which is odd because that's what the whole song is about. I really feel like this song could be written to a Wiccan Goddess as easily as it could be written to the Space Lords of Scientology. It makes me wonder about the worth of modern "worship" music as well as the purpose of that music. Is the stuff coming out by "main stream" worship leaders any better than this song?

What do you believe? How would your song sound?

Check the video out after the jump.


Unknown said...

Space Lords of Scientology – may they reign forever!!!

Danger Chris said...

Their's are the names we speak not of. Shhhhh!