Thursday, July 17, 2008

I get it, I get it. . .

Lately it seems like things have been flooding me that attack my ego and pride. Which is a good thing, but a painful thing, none the less. I'm trying to handle things graciously and not turn to myself out of pity. MY prayer right now is that I draw near to God for my worth and that I follow His purpose in all of this. I could easily, read very very easily, get defensive and puffed up. Pray with me that I'll embrace the humbling that is occurring and that I use it to be a better minister, husband and child of God.

I am lazy, prideful and selfish. God is changing that. I am repentant. It feels good to ride the wave and not get beaten by it. He'll break me down and I'm on board, just pray that I don't become weary or defensive. Gracias.And here is the rest of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love you and admire the attitude you have chosen to get through these things. muah!