Saturday, July 26, 2008

Et tu Bethany Dillon?

Ever heard of her? She's the 19 year old singer/songwriter who can bowl you over with her insights into the human heart and them put them into a stunning song. You can check her out here. My wife is a huge fan, let's put it this way, if it was between me and her, I would just barely win. I kid of course (I hope), but she is a very talented young woman who has ministered greatly to my wife.

So, all week long we'd been tossing around the idea of going to Mt. Bethel to see BD, that's what Jennie calls her.  We finally make the decision to spend the $400 in gas to make the trip and we get there.

BD comes out on stage and I keep thinking that she's no older than some of my youth. She's very young looking. I can't get past that, especially as she's saying very adult things about God. She's talking about her pride and jealousy, while referencing scripture. Eloquently she makes us laugh at the crappiness of our hearts and long for God to restore our relationship with Him.

Then she starts to talk about a story that I love. It's the story of a king who goes bat crap crazy. How can you not love a story about a man running around in the woods eating grass? Of course that's pretty much where I stop with that story and chalk it up to God showing people he can make them go nuts. Not Bethany, nope, she reads on and see that this is a story about the power God has to humble. Yet again God finds a way to make humility a focus in my life.

I thank God that he can humble me and that He is humbling me. I thank God that He isn't making me a wild jungleman who eats grass. Continue to pray for me as I am tested each day it seems with new ways to express humility.   Pray with me that I will not be one who walks in pride.  Also, below is the link to the story.

The story of King Nebucharaaazzy.

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