Saturday, April 5, 2008

Great Quote:

I was reading an article over at PastorHacks and read this awesome statement, which will most certainly be used/stolen by me. Take the Jump to check out a snippet from the article and a few of my thoughts.
It doesn't take mailers, banners, and Cirque Du Soleil every week. Just a bunch of loving, welcoming Christ followers. People who genuinely care. People who are seeking relationships with other people, and sharing life with them. A competent all-community gathering where things work well so as not to be a distraction from what God wants to do that morning, sure... but less of a focus on Sunday mornings as the center of community and more of a focus on the community and its revolving around Jesus Himself.

I remain convinced that what we win people with, we win them to.

Am I wrong in thinking there is a lot of truth to that? Isn't that the entire argument about seeker sensitive churches? What is the real focus? We can say it's Christ, but what is the lure for the unregenerate? If it's health, wealth and an more fulfilled life. Then we've more than likely reinforced those things as their god.

So, what is your church winning people with?

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