Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'm Late, I'm Late!

I'm late for a chance that this post will be even moderately relevant! See back about a month ago, or "many moons ago" in interwebnet thought, there was all this spicy banter going on about the Pyro guys making posters. Well, I got the idea for a poster and never made it. Because I'm lazy and forgetful, I can say it, we can move on, that's why I didn't make it. So, here's my attempt at jumping into a long dead discussion. Take the jump already.


I gotta tell you. I'm really happy with the way that turned out. I'm pretty sure that this whole thing "Jumped the Shark" a long time ago. I don't think this will incite any vitriol, so I feel OK about posting it. If anyone also thinks it's funny feel free to comment, or if you think it's funny that I am actually posting something this dated. . .comment.

Thanks to The Squirrel Queen for the pic.

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