Monday, September 10, 2007

The 10 Dumbest Things Christians Do

I just finished up the above mentioned book with my youth during Sunday School. If any of them come by I'd love to get their opinion of the study. In fact that might be better suited for the actual youth website. So, just forget that last part.

I do plan on putting up a little personal thought on the book. This then could be considered as a warning, heed it wisely. . .

A quick blurb of my thoughts on the book would be something like this, "Not the end all book on biblical church growth, but it's not the worst place to get started as it touches most of it's points without to much top-end thought." That might be my blurb. I might revise it, because the top-end thought part seems rude. I really did enjoy the book, I'd hate to give off any other view. The book just didn't ask much of the reader.

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