Monday, July 2, 2007

Is it too late to make fun of The Secret?

I'm getting on a video kick. I figured out how to do it and now I can't stop. This internet thing could catch on. If only the kids were using it. . .

Either way, this video satires The Secret and just about sums up all the wackiness. I've got some points, maybe just one, to make after you watch the video. So watch the video, it's funny. A quick warning don't bother with checking out the link. It's some website that is actually using this video to try and promote "The Secret". I guess even bad publicity is good publicity, eh?

If any of the 2 to 3 people who read this blog are ascribed to The Secret, get the heck out of it. Seriously, It's Oprah we're talking about here. She can't even ascribe to the faith she claims to follow. Why jump on board her bonus faith?

The other thing about The Secret is that it's not mutually exclusive. Other groups are claiming it under different names. In fact that's not even it's real name. Go hit Google up for info on the Law of Attraction. It even makes its way back to Buddha. The basic idea is that, "Like attracts like, and opposites repel opposites, in the world of thought." This from one of the earliest articles on the topic.

Wikipedia, because I don't like research, states three major principles in the Law of Attraction.
  1. Know what one wants and ask the universe for it. (The "universe" is mentioned broadly, stating that it can be anything from a god to an unknown source of energy or even more realistically, bologna)
  2. Feel and behave as if the object of one's desire is on its way. (Remember, you're speaking directly to a nebulous, illusory, non-corporeal fallacy!)
  3. Be open to receiving it. (Be careful, if the "universe" is a mean Genie that bag of money might just fall from the sky and kill you.) *Emphasis mine*
So who else is using The Law of Attraction? That would be the Theological blunder that is the Prosperity Gospel. You might know it as, "Word of Faith" or even "Name It And Claim It Theology." Let's take a few seconds and apply the three principles of The Law of Attraction to The Prosperity Gospel.

  1. Know what one wants and ask the universe for it. (In this case god would take the place of the more nebulous Universe. Here's the first problem, the assumption that prayer is for you to change the heart of God. Here's a great article on what prayer is and isn't. Tell me where you see, "Prayer is a place to beg for stuff")
  2. Feel and Behave as if the object of one's desire is on the way. (Normally this is done in line with something called a "Seed Offering". The idea is that if God's gonna fix you financially the least you can do is give him a little bit up front. It's a twisting of scripture. They take the idea of reaping what you sow to a preposterous extreme. The promise of course is that the "seed" will grow. Of course it doesn't, unless you count it's growth in the crooks bank account.)
  3. Be open to receiving it. (This is where the Prosperity Gospel, see Exhibit A, takes the hard turn towards heresy. Your action defines the arrival of the object. Here the often brought up complaint that, "My car ain't here yet", can be heard. To which the often vomited response is vomited, "You just aren't believing enough!" Again, this is a mockery of Biblical prayer and a blasphemous treatment of faith.)
So, by looking at the basic ideas of two false faiths we see just how much they have in common. Mind you, this is basically all opinion. I may have even used the scripture out of context. If I did and you catch it, let me know. None the less. The Secret is nothing new. It's the same thing that every religion, outside of true Biblical Christianity, teaches. It says that if you believe hard enough, act good enough, love strong enough, or at least do all those a little more than you do bad things, then good things will come to you.

The Bible teaches that it is by grace we are saved and by grace we are afforded all things. The natural difference there is that nothing rests on the shoulders of man. No amount of positive thought could ever attract enough positive energy to make up for the offenses of our sin. So, don't be fooled by Oprah or any other Jezebel who tries to feed you false doctrine. We are redeemed by the Christ's propitiation for our sins. So, just like Mya Rudolph's Oprah impersonation, shout Christ and His gospel with all of your might, proclaiming His glory where ever you go.


Andrew Lindsey said...

Here's the link to Dr. Whitney's article on The Secret:

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