JJ Abrams, the creator of LOST, has a new show out (Which is chock full of ex-LOSTies). I've been watching it with a family in our church because my wife works on Thursday nights. The set up helps fight the loneliness and gives me a chance to build community. On a side note, I love this family.
I also, love Flashforward, the new JJ show. It's like LOST if LOST was a cop drama . . . and made any sense. The premise is that for one minute and thirty-seven seconds everyone passed out and got to see what they were doing six months into the future. Of course a lot of carnage occurred during that minute and a half, but for the most part the show is about the visions. Some people get hopeful visions, others see their marriage ruined, but most frightening of all, some people see nothing. The race is on to figure out why the blackouts happened.
Take the jump to read some more of my thoughts and how this show asks a question we should all want to answer.